2022 TraderLion 线上交易大会 26位演讲者视频 中英字幕

2022 TraderLion 线上交易大会 26位演讲者视频 中英字幕-趋势跟踪之道Pro
2022 TraderLion 线上交易大会 26位演讲者视频 中英字幕
2022 TraderLion 线上交易大会
2022 TraderLion 线上交易大会 26位演讲者视频 中英字幕
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1、Day1 How to find, Correctly enter and Manage Super Stocks.-Pat Walker.mp4

如何寻找、正确的入场和管理超级股票~Pat Walker

2、Day1 Lessons From the Bear Market 2022, Is It Over & Should Traders Care? -Brian Shannon.mp4

2022年熊市的教训,结束了吗?交易员应该关心吗?~Brian Shannon

3、Day1 Market Analysis & What the market needs from the Fed before sustained upside-Joe Fahmy.mp4

市场分析&市场在持续上涨之前需要美联储做什么~Joe Fahmy

4、Day1 Moneyball in the Markets- It's all about the numbers-Anne-Marie Balynd.mp4

市场中的金钱— 一切都与数字有关~Anne-Marie Balynd

5、Day1 The Truth about Trading Decisions- Denise Shull.mp4

交易决策的真相~Denise Shull

6、Day1 Trading Lessons_ What I Learned Working With a Market Wizard--Mark Ritchie Il.mp4

从市场奇才一起工作中学到的交易经验教训~~Mark Ritchie Il

7、Day2 How True Market Leaders Emerge from Severe Bear Markets-Ermen Abelgas.mp4

真正的市场领导者如何从严峻的熊市中崛起的~Ermen Abelgas

8、Day2 Finding Model Stocks-Amy Smith.mp4

寻找模型股票~Amy Smith

9、Day2 Foundations of Stock Trading-Ameet Rai.mp4

股票交易基础~Ameet Rai

10、Day2 How To Develop Setups-Scotland.mp4


11、Day2 How to Find and Manage Big Winners-Jim Roppel.mp4

如何寻找和管理大赢家股~Jim Roppel

12、Day2 The Stock Market Machine_ Interest Rates, Valuation, and Sector Rotation-Matt Caruso.mp4

股市机制——利率、估值和板块轮换~Matt Caruso

13、Day2 Trading with Velocity-Ben Bennett.mp4

使用速度模式交易~Ben Bennett

14、Day3 Know Your Market Signal_ Preserving Your Account and pressing Bets At The Right Time -Leif.mp4


15、Day3 A different perspective in the market -David Ryan.mp4

市场的不同视角~David Ryan

16、Day3 Attocking Risk In Markets-Tomboss.mp4


17、Day3 Building a System for Trading Prychology-Jared Tendia.mp4

建立交易心理学体系-Jared Tendia

18、Day3 Insights from 50 Years of Part-time Trading-Dr. trie wish.mp4

50年兼职交易的见解-Dr. trie wish

19、Day3 Studies of the market conference and FollowThrough days.mp4


20、Day3 The impertonce of Studying History_Market traders and stocks-John Boilk.mp4

研究历史的重要性——市场、交易者和股票 John Boilk

21、Day4 How to Identify the Next Great Market Leaders-Roy and Wes Mattox.mp4

如何识别下一个伟大的市场领导者 Roy and Wes Mattox

22、Day4 How to Trade in this Environment 6 Trading Edges-Christian Fromhertz.mp4

如何在这种环境下进行交易~6个交易优势  Christian Fromhertz

23、Day4 Market Health, Tops Down, Bottoms Up-Jack Tacher.mp4

市场健康、自上而下、自下而上~Jack Tacher

24、Day4 Precision Trading and Trading Psychology-Anish Sikri.mp4

精准交易与交易心理学-Anish Sikri.

25、Day4 The Lifecycle Trade-Kurt Daill.mp4

股票生命周期交易-Kurt Daill

26、Day4 Trading Lessons and Trading Demons-Tom Canfield.mp4

交易教训和交易恶魔(交易技术出众的人)-Tom Canfield


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