Craft Cases - Analytics Course

图片[1]-Craft Cases - Analytics Course-趋势跟踪之道Pro


- Clear and effective math structuring techniques for accurate and easy-to-follow analyses.
- Complete methods to quickly and accurately perform computations, identify key takeaways, and determine next steps in your analyses.
- The 5 Archetypes of case math, providing a cheat sheet for the 5 most common types of analytical questions, along with principles, guidelines, and common traps for each archetype.
- Practice drills for each archetype to master each type of question progressively, from easy to hard.
- "No archetype" drills to boost confidence in tackling any math question, even those falling outside of the archetypes.
- Chart Interpretation Deep Dive, providing a crash course on reading and interpreting complex charts used by consultants, and handling multiple charts at once.

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