{ 2 course Combo Bundle} Candlestick Charting Essentials and Beyond PLUS Candlesticks Re-Ignited by Steve Nison

{ 2 course Combo Bundle} Candlestick Charting Essentials and Beyond PLUS Candlesticks Re-Ignited by Steve Nison-趋势跟踪之道Pro
{ 2 course Combo Bundle} Candlestick Charting Essentials and Beyond PLUS Candlesticks Re-Ignited by Steve Nison
{ 2 course Combo Bundle} Candlestick Charting Essentials and Beyond PLUS Candlesticks Re-Ignited by Steve Nison
{ 2 course Combo Bundle} Candlestick Charting Essentials and Beyond PLUS Candlesticks Re-Ignited by Steve Nison
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This is full set of 4 volume course by Steve Nison, father of Western Candlesticks.

Volume 1 & 2: If you’re looking for the ideal way to begin your candlestick charting education , then you need “Candle Charting Essentials and Beyond.” From the basic building blocks to intermediate strategies, this DVD Workshop gives you unrivaled candle training from world-renowned expert Steve Nison.

DVD 1: The Framework of Candles

DVD 2: Essentials of Single Candle Lines

DVD 3: Bull and Bear Double Candle Patterns

DVD 4: Bull and Bear TRIPLE Candle Patterns and Continuation Candles

DVD 5: Essentials of East + West, Part 1

DVD 6: Essentials of East + West, Part 2

DVD 7: Essentials of East + West, Part 3

DVD 8: Trade Management Essentials Volume 3 & 4:

The Candlesticks Re-Ignited DVD Workshop is ideal for traders looking to overcome todays trading obstacles with advanced skills for the candlestick trader. These are the most exciting breakthroughs in candlestick charting in nearly a quarter century since Steve Nison introduced his first best-selling book.

DVD 1: Advanced Doji and Price Confirmation

DVD 2: Advanced Single and Blended Candle Lines

DVD 3: Advanced Bull Double Candle Lines

DVD 4: Advanced Bear Double Candle Lines and Advanced Window

DVD 5: Advanced East + West, Part 1

DVD 6: Advanced East + West, Part 2

DVD 7: Advanced Trade Management Bonus DVD: Advanced Candles Trading Lab

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