Power Fibonacci Trading Course Market Trading Institute

Power Fibonacci Trading Course Market Trading Institute-趋势跟踪之道Pro
Power Fibonacci Trading Course Market Trading Institute
Power Fibonacci Trading Course Market Trading Institute
Power Fibonacci Trading Course Market Trading Institute
已售 49

Size: 3.2GB

Value: USD 3995

UNLIMITED ACCESS AND DOWNLOAD For students looking to begin trading Forex or those looking to hone their skills, this course provides a thorough foundation in Fibonacci trading. Students will receive guidance through live and on-demand video instruction on Fibonacci retracements and extensions as well as access to the Power Fibonacci Tool to automate their entries and exits. In addition, the course includes weekly live question and answer sessions with our expert analysts. Finish this course a confident MTI Fibonacci trader.

Course Overview For students looking to begin trading Forex or those looking to hone their skills, this course provides a thorough foundation in Fibonacci trading. Students will receive guidance through live and on-demand video instruction on Fibonacci retracements and extensions as well as access to the Power Fibonacci Tool to automate their entries and exits. In addition, the course includes weekly live question and answer sessions with our expert analysts. Finish this course a confident MTI Fibonacci trader.

Course Length 16.5 HOURS Level of Learning FOUNDATIONAL-INTERMEDIATE Learning Path FOREX TRADER

What’s Included: 6 On-Demand lessons Access to the Power Fibonacci tool to automate market entry and exit on specific Fibonacci levels 4-hour live class 2 all-new strategies to take advantage of Fibonacci trading

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