[2021 Full Course] Trading Tickers 2.0 by Tim Grittani

[2021 Full Course] Trading Tickers 2.0 by Tim Grittani-趋势跟踪之道Pro
[2021 Full Course] Trading Tickers 2.0 by Tim Grittani
[2021 Full Course] Trading Tickers 2.0 by Tim Grittani
[2021 Full Course] Trading Tickers 2.0 by Tim Grittani
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Hey, Tim Grittani here and I’m super excited to share my work with you today.

As you know, I’ve made trading my life’s work. And inside Trading Tickers 2 I’ll unveil updated methods, strategies, workflows, and the tools I’m using as I push towards daily success.

This is the perfect training series for new traders and old hats alike… Because since I published the original Trading Tickers training series I’ve picked up so many new lessons and strategies to share with you. Each of them played a part in helping me cross $13 million in trading profits.

Just to Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Find Inside When You Purchase Trading Tickers 2 Today:

Chapter 1: I’ll reveal my full trading performance from start to finish, and demonstrate my “Golden Rule” for cutting losses

Chapter 2: All my preferred brokers, software and app tools, and how I use fundamentals on a daily basis to make reasonable trades

Chapter 3: An in depth guide to how I use spreadsheets, and how this data allows me to optimize my trading strategies as I go

Chapter 4: An update on every single strategy I unveiled in Trading Tickers, and 7 live demonstrations of how I’ve improved these processes

Chapter 5: How I fixed a failing strategy by adjusting my risk management, along with 7 live trades following these new rules

Chapter 6: A brand new technical strategy for overnight trading, with an in depth look at the setup criteria

Chapter 7: My favorite new “blueprint” for getting into stocks at the right time after they’ve gone down, with all the pattern setups broken down in great detail

Chapter 8: A new twist on an old favorite, and how my data repository has improved my trading on this this widely known trading setup

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